Blog #16

My favorite revision strategy so far in class has been rereading my own work out loud to myself. This strategy highlights the errors in my writing. I can hear if something doesn’t sound right. This method also catches small grammatical mistakes. For example, leaving an I uncapitalized. These small mistakes are highlighted from reading my work over and over. Doing this helps me to locate possible malfunctions in my writing before I show my paper to another peer, or to my professor. Reading my paper aloud also helps me to make sure that my paper has flow. If something sounds wacky, that’s because I need to move it to a different place in my writing or get rid of it. I actually just used this strategy when writing an email to the head of the Health, Wellness, and Occupational Studies department. I wanted to make sure that I presented myself in a very formal fashion. So I read it out loud. The email was to relaxed for the way it should have sounded, so I changed it. I plan to use this strategy for papers in the future. This is a first line of defense for catching potential problems, for example when my writing becomes a bit off topic. Or plainly, doesn’t sound the way I want to present it.

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